Files Menu - Overview

The Files Menu screen allows you to access, add, or modify File cards and contacts. File cards can be companies that do Group business, Travel Agents, Contacts or Contact Groups, Condos, or Companies with Negotiated Rates at your Property, and you can view, add, or modify contacts within the system. This area also access to the Accounting area for companies/guests that have direct billing established with Accounts Receivables.  



The Files Menu screen will open when accessed.

Files Menu screen

The Files Menu is divided into two sections, Files List 1 and Files List 2.


Files List 1 section


Groups: This command will open the Group Account screen. A Group in Skyware Systems may be an individual or a company, and is put together or considered as a unit that sends business to your Property. This definition is typically used for tracking purposes to see what type of business a group is bringing to your Property. A group account or record contains detailed information for an individual or company and needs to exist in order to create a Stay record (reservation) or group booking.

Travel Agents =>: Link providing access to the Travel Agent Menu screen, which provides features that deal with travel agents, including tracking travel agent commissions, printing commission checks, and reporting on travel agent statistics.  

Contact Groups:  This command will open the Contact Groups screen. A Contact Group may be a collection of contacts for companies that use your Property in similar ways or that are associated with a particular manager; any grouping of contacts that your Property wishes to use to make interactions more efficient. The Contact Group Account screen is very similar in appearance to both the Contact Account screen or the Group Account screen, sharing many of the same fields.

Note: Alternatively, IF your Property is using it, you can also access the Contact Groups screen through the Sales and Catering section of the Skyware system.

Condos =>: Link providing access to the Condos Menu screen. Condo logic in Skyware allows you to record room revenue and charge expenses to the rooms that owners own, if you work with condo owners. The Condos Menu allows you to view condo owners and generate statements and reports on any condo room revenue.


Files List 2 section


Companies with Negotiated Rates: This command generates and shows a list of all your accounts in Skyware Systems that have a negotiated rate attached to them. When this command is used, the negotiated rates screen will open, which is identical in appearance to the guest information or group information screen, but contains only the list of accounts with negotiated rates currently attached to them.

Accounting =>: Link providing access to the Accounts Receivable Menu screen. Skyware has an Accounts Receivable system that allows your Property to set up direct bill accounts, close out payments to these direct bill accounts, send invoices, and keep track of direct bill payments.  

Contacts: This command will open the Contact Account screen, which allows you to enter and maintain all of the contacts that your Property works with.

Note: Alternatively, IF your Property is using it, you can also access the Contact Account screen through the Sales and Catering section of the Skyware system.

Club Members: This command will open the Club Members Account screen, which shows the collection of contacts entered into your system designated as club members, If your Property uses a club system. This screen allows you to enter and maintain all of the club member contacts that your Property works with. The Club Members Account screen is very similar in appearance to the Contact Account screen, the Contact Group Account screen or the Group Account screen, sharing many of the same fields.

NOTE: Club Member numbers can be assigned to each Guest using the Other tab of the Guest Information screen.


Date Updated August 05, 2021